The relationship between reps and manufacturers can be complex.

That's why we've created a library of 80+ guidelines, resources, tips, tools, and best practices to help you get the most from your go-to-market strategy.

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Best Practices for MAFSI Reps and Manufacturers

There's a simple solution for representatives and manufacturers to achieve increased productivity and profitability, greater innovation, and high degrees of trust and communication. The remedy is to openly share information and facts and to use this process as a measure of competence, contribution, and reward.

The MAFSI resources available were developed to serve as helpful examples to assist you when making important decisions that affect your partnerships. 

Best Practices - Background Removed Final

Call and Sales Reporting

Click on the titles to the right to access the linked resources.


Factory Training Programs

Click on the titles to the right to access the linked resources.


Foodservice Industry Roles and Map

Click on the titles to the right to access the linked resources.


Independent Contractor Status

Click on the titles to the right to access the linked resources.


Line Conflicts

Click on the titles to the right to access the linked resources.


Line Profitability

Click on the titles to the right to access the linked resources.


Operations for Rep Firms

Click on the titles to the right to access the linked resources.


Pioneering Lines and New Products

Click on the titles to the right to access the linked resources.



Rep - Manufacturer Communications

Click on the titles to the right to access the linked resources.


Rep Councils

Click on the titles to the right to access the linked resources.


Sales Meetings

Click on the titles to the right to access the linked resources.


Territory Management

Click on the titles to the right to access the linked resources.



Value of Reps

Click on the titles to the right to access the linked resources.