Designed for Everyone

MAFSI Committees

MAFSI Committees

MAFSI addresses member issues and concerns by enlisting dynamic, powerful members as leaders of and participants in MAFSI committees.
The committees focus on identifying, analyzing, prioritizing, and acting on current and pending industry trends. Trends that are affecting the changing roles of manufacturers’ representatives and relations with our industry partners, namely manufacturers.
Right now, we have over 80 members, board members, and rising stars (members under 40) volunteering to work on our 9 different committees. These 9 committees are working on more than 30 different initiatives for MAFSI.

Your MAFSI Committees are Hard at Work for You!

Digital Training & Education (DTE) Committee

Provides accessible and effective distance learning opportunities for the MAFSI membership and the industry.


Digital Training & Education (DTE) Committee
Pantry of Knowledge
Foodservice 101
Smartphone Video Workshop

Rep Firm of the Future (RFOF) Committee

Educates the industry about the changing roles and activities of the MAFSI representative functions.



Rep Firm of the Future (RFOF) Committee

Membership & Marketing Committee

Works on opening the channels of communication with MAFSI members via the website, social media, email, and more.



M Chef Committee

Increase MAFSI member and industry awareness of the value of culinary training and selling as well as identify and develop educational programs addressing specified and broad-based culinary training and develop a certification program for rep chefs that will become a new industry standard.

Conference Planning Committee

Is responsible for developing the highest quality educational programming for both our representative and manufacturer members via the MAFSI biennial conference.


Research, Data & Trends (RDT) Committee

Develops and distributes MAFSI membership surveys, reports, and other data projects.


Research, Data & Trends (RDT) Committee

SpecPath & Industry Data Sharing Committee

Provides a competitive advantage to our SpecPath subscribers by developing new features and benefits and working with industry partners on sharing data across the channel.


SpecPath & Industry Data Sharing Committee